UPDATE! (08.20.09)
Hey, it's Elisa with a message for you crazies who still look at this site.
We've been updating our Flickr photostream a lot more regularly than this site.
Don't worry, we've still been taking our pictures! As usual, things are hectic, but we're keeping going. If you get worried about us, make sure you check out our Flickr photostream before you call 911. Link...
See ya around!

UPDATE! (07.23.09)

Hey, look! We are back on this lovely website!!!
While Elisa was off at camp and in Mississippi, the website has been a little neglected... We are SORRY!!
Please know that we have still be taking pictures!! All of Elisa's pictures are up on Flickr and some of Kharis's are, too! More to come!! (GO look at them! Right now!!! DO IT!)
Keep checking back here as we will soon be getting in a more normal and routine groove for this thing!
Thanks for sticking with us!!

UPDATE! (06.12.09)

As you can see, we changed the layout of the site a little bit. Nothing too exciting there except that maybe you'll read these lovely updates!!

More importantly, Elisa will be at camp in Northern Wisconsin for the next three weeks. That means that she'll only be able to have her pictures up once  a week or so. She's still taking them every day, but they'll just be posted later! Please be understanding through this. The summer will be a little bit differently scheduled for both Kharis and Elisa, so don't worry if you come here and there aren't any new pictures. We're still taking pictures and they'll be up soon! When the school year starts in August, the schedule of posting daily will be a little more regular.  Until then, keep checking for pictures!

Thanks for your support! 

 UPDATE! (05.03.09)
Please be understanding with Kharis as her dad has been sick and in the hospital... She is still taking pictures and will post them, but timing is a little bit off! Sorry!! Stay tuned for her pictures as the WILL BE POSTED soon. =]


UPDATE! (04.29.09)
Two days into our shoot and we are as excited as ever! So far, we are pretty happy with how it's going! We hope you have enjoyed our pictures so far!

Two important tips for your best photo-viewing experience...

1) When viewing the posted picture of the day, be sure to CLICK ON THE PHOTO to enlarge it and enjoy it to the full capacity! (And for the photographers' sakes and for the love of art! It really does look better that way!)

2) If you're new or if you missed a day, be sure to CHECK OUT PREVIOUS PICTURES which are on our Flickr account. Links are underneath the current picture on both Kharis and Elisa's tabs.

Thanks! Enjoy!!

PS - If you have a Flickr account, feel free to add us and comment on our pictures! Our username is pretendsuperheroes365. (Photostream link... ) If you don't have a Flickr account and wish to contact us, you may do that by shooting us an email at [email protected] .  Thanks!

PPS - Our friend Mel thought this was a cool idea and has decided to join us in our 365 photoshoot adventure. Be sure to check out her photos under the "365pictures" tab on her blog! Link :

UPDATE! (04.23.09)

WE HAVE A TOPIC!!!!!! (drum roll please........) The topic for the first 2 week segment of our photo shoot will be NEWSPAPER!!!! Stay tuned for pictures starting April 27th!
